How to get level 2 of data

How to get level 2 of data
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How to get level 2 of data

  In this article, we will examine how to access Level 2 of data. With this method, you will connect your platform to the free level 2 of data in less than a few minutes.

Transactions and orders registered in the futures market are provided to traders as Level 2 of data by data providers. CQG and Rithmic can be mentioned as the most famous companies providing level 2 of data. This article is dedicated to CQG data and how to get it.

In the first step, we go to, website. In this step you need an email. Note that you have not used this email before on the Ninja Trader site. Enter the email in “Your Email Address” box. If the email is valid from the site’s point of view, Valid Email will be ticked green. Now click on Download.

get level 2 of data

In the second step, in the opened window, enter the required information and tick I am not a robot. Please note that choosing the country of Iran will not create any problem for you in the process of receiving data. Now click the Submit button.

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Now we move to the next page, in this step on the new page by clicking on Connection Guide, you will receive an email from CQG that contains the password to access Level 2 of data on the Ninja Trader platform.

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Note that once every 14 days, when the demo data expires, there is no need to uninstall and reinstall the platform, and you just need to repeat the process taught in this article with a new email and receive an email containing username and password from CQG.

Now go to your email and view the received emails. You have received a welcome email from Ninja Trader and an email containing your username and password from CQG.

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In the next step, install and run the original version of Ninja Trader, which is located in the Zand Traders Telegram bot, according to the instructions in the bot. In the Connection section, click Configure. Now, in the Ninja Trader Continuum section, enter the username and password in the email. Note that the demo tick is enabled.

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Now, in the main window of the Ninja Trader platform, in the Connection section, you must select Ninja Trader continuum Demo. When the data is activated, the green light of Ninja Trader is activated.

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If the data is not activated by entering the username and password on the platform, put the received username and password in a Word pad file and transfer it to Ninja Trader from there. This problem may occur for some traders because of the Windows language.

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This data is available to traders as a demo with a period of 14 days, and if you want to receive data in the form of more time frames, you must pay for it on the Ninja Trader website.

Zand Trader’s offer to you, dear companions, is to start practicing and working with CGQ’s free data, and in the continuation of your activity, if you have the desire and possibility to trade in the futures market, you can buy your desired subscription from Ninja Trader.

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